Tag Archives: Norton Park Hotel

Happy Month!

What a lovely way to start the day … week … month! A message from a fabulous couple.


Hi Paul

Sorry this is so late we’re only starting to get straight after our wonderful month long honeymoon, but we wanted to say thank you so much for making our wedding day so special.

We absolutely loved all of our reception and evening party and we couldn’t have made it so great without all your help. You patience with us in planning and on the night with all the bands playing and your advice on having the quiz, advice cards, timings for the evening and inflatable microphones etc was invaluable. So thank you so much.

We have attached a few pictures for you of us and yourself on the day for your files.

Many thanks
Steve and Michelle

Wedding Host Hampshire

Saturday ~ what a beautiful day!

What a fantastic day Saturday was, the first real Saturday of Summer this year.

I was at The Norton Park Hotel just north of Winchester for an evening wedding reception booking. Although I was booked for the evening I was able to go up in the morning and get all my equipment into the venue and mostly set up ready for the room turn-around after the Wedding Breakfast.

There was a beautiful backdrop and I set up with my speakers behind it and just my new screen to go around my booth at the front which looked really elegant. I up-lit the backdrop for the evening which was very effective.

I’m still struggling to get to grips with my latest camera but hopefully these snaps will give you a feeling for how things looked. Once the Bride and Bridegroom return from their honeymoon next month I hope to be able to share some more pictures with you from their brilliant official photographer Clare of OnLocation Photography

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