Tag Archives: Brides Magazine

Brides magazine

An interesting article on the Brides magazine website about wedding entertainment.

Here are the questions they ask …
How Do I Find A Good DJ?
How much should we budget for a DJ?
How does this compare to a live band?
Our tastes cross over hip-hop, country & pop. Will the DJ have a back catalogue that covers all music types?
What makes a good first dance song? Also, are there any classic pick an exit songs you can request?
When should we have our first dance?
Will the DJ be offended if we list every single song we want played?
I want the DJ’s equipment to blend in with the setting. What are the options?
How can we find out about noise restrictions?
Do we need a dance floor? How much do they cost?

To find their answers CLICK HERE to see the article

The solution is HERE 😉